Saturday, April 28, 2012

"Dislocated" - Free Verse

Our skin melts so suddenly,
it hurts.
We are nothing but
four hundred and twelve bones and
a reminder of
how nothing is ever enough.
Our smiles come uneasy,
as our skeletons wrap around the other,
and we keep quiet
because we know
nothing fits
like it used to.

And suddenly,
you are you

I am I

in the same amount of time
it took to say forever
and make a dislocated pinky promise.

Have you always been this quiet?

"Suicide Martyr" - Free Verse

You're made of the wind now,
and your name rings in my ears
like an awkward doorbell.
I've seen this all before,
and I can't seem to convince myself
not to care

because I never thought it'd be you;
why'd it have to be you?

Your favorite color is
empty silver, which is funny
because I remember
telling you how ugly it is
but I never remembered
how tired you looked and

the way you kept quiet;
why'd you keep quiet?

Well, I get it.
I'm just some skin,
designed to keep you warm,
and you're just convinced
you can do fine on your own.
Open wide,
and let me shove this down your throat:

I don't want to be there for you anymore.